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First data from Arctic HSRL

Arctic HSRL starts overnight operation

Ratio of combined-channel to molecular channel image obtianed on March 18, 2003 as part of initial overnight operation tests. Values are approximate because calibration software was not complete at this time. Note cirrus cloud between altitudes of 9 an 10.5 km and a fog layer below 1.5 km. Fog is becoming optically thick near the end of the record.

Bulk depolarization image obtained on March 18, 2003 as part of initial overnight operation tests. Values are approximate because calibration software was not complete at this time.

Arctic HSRL begins to make scattering ratio measurements

Ratio of combined-channel to molecular channel image obtained on 05-Feb-03 showing ice crystal virga falling from a low-altitude water cloud. Values are proportional to the scattering ratio--however this data was obtained while testing an experimental I2 filter and is not precisely calibrated.

Arctic HSRL obtains first seperated molecular lidar returns Jan 8, 2003